A High protein chicken feed prepared to meet the dietary requirements of day-old chicks. The layer or dual-purpose chicken should be fed starter feed for the first six weeks of their life before progressing onto grower feed. The high protein content helps young chicks grow fast and develop into hardy pullets.
Premium Starter
Expertly crafted to nourish your day-old chicks for their first crucial weeks. Packed with essential proteins and nutrients, it fosters rapid growth and robust health, setting the stage for strong, productive pullets or dual-purpose chickens. As your chicks mature, this feed eases their transition to grower feed, ensuring a smooth developmental path.
Designed to fulfill the dietary requirements of a chicken between the ages of 6 to 20 weeks.
Prepare your chickens for peak egg-laying with our specially designed feed for those aged 16 to 20 weeks. It bridges the gap between grower and layer feed, offering balanced nutrition with added calcium for strong eggshells. Transitioning is effortless - blend with grower feed from week 16 till laying starts.
Broiler Grower
Nurturing your birds into adolescence is a critical step. As your broilers advance in age, our Broiler Grower Feed ensures their continued growth and vitality. It maintains the right balance of nutrients to support healthy and robust development with excess protein.
Commercial Layer feeds are for chickens laying eggs, supplying all the necessary nutrition to support them during their productive life.
Broiler Finisher
As your chickens approach market weight, our Finisher Feed is your ticket to top-quality results. The final stage of your broiler's journey is where quality truly shines. Our Broiler Finisher Feed is expertly crafted to provide the optimal nutrients for efficient muscle development and ideal finishing.
Broiler Starter
Specifically formulated for day-old chicks, this high-protein feed provides the essential nutrients needed for a strong and healthy beginning. With the perfect blend of proteins and vitamins, it fosters rapid growth and development, setting the stage for robust broilers.